Affirmations on Love
- I Love anyway! When people hate me, I love them anyway. When they turn their backs on me, talk about me and slander me, I love them anyway, knowing, they have yet learned to love unconditionally. ~vgale~
- The wages of Love are peace, contentment, joy, good karma, patience and goodness There is no Sum Equal to these; and against such there is no law.
- Be the Love you wish to receive and Love will eventually find you. ~vgale~
- No matter what, Love yourself first. Don't depend on others to do what you can do for yourself.
- Love is energy, a vibration, an entity, but not limited. Its capacity is everywhere. There is nowhere where love cannot be, cannot go, cannot penetrate. There is nothing and no one beyond its reach. There is nothing that love cannot do. Give it room in your life, in your relationships, in your situations, and see the miracles it produces. Add it as a secret ingredient in and to everything you do and see the magical difference. -vgale-
- Add Love as the secret ingredient in and to everything you do and see the magical difference. ----vgale-
- I AM Standing in the very Center of God's Love!
- Love covers a multitude of sins, in any situation you are in. ~vgale~