by Author Vivian Gale
by Author Vivian Gale
The Ultimate Attainment of Life! __________________ ~I Cry for Freedom~
ACCEPTANCE The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous" says; "Acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed it is because I find some person place or thing---some fact of my life--- unacceptable to me and I can find no peace until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly as it is suppose to be. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake." There has never been a single quote to help me through confusing times and emotions. Page 449 (first 3 editions, pg. 417 in the 4th edition)
ANGER An angry person is a person bound to commit a foolish act. When angry we have a choice to choose to let it go and seek peace about the situation.
Even a man of great stature should be wise enough to run from a wrathful and angry woman. She will cut him off at the knees. We often regret things done in anger. Say,
BEING Remembering everyday who you are and living from that place brings the most joy and rewards in experiencing. Living in this way honors the self and gives others the real joy of knowing you! ~vgale~ BELIEFS
CREATOR When the Kingdom of God is fully manifested in the hearts and souls of all men and women and completely reflected in our lives, then the Sovereignty of God will reign Supreme! Even nature with respond in kind. What a dream world that is to me now, but, I've caught the vision. One day it will be more than a dream but our only reality! Relationship with God is what life is all about! Got it? Say, "Today, oh Jahua, let Your kingdom come fully in me in each man, tree, flower and animal, until Your Glory fills the earth and encompasses all that is. ~Freedom, aka -viviangale~ DAD'S
you. So, get on with it. ~vgale~ DOUBT
Being emotionally upset can really ruin your day and change the environment for those around you. We can learn to change our patterns of behavior when we're emotionally upset by changing the internal messages we're telling ourselves. Remove unwanted and unhealthy thoughts by replacing them with newer positive thoughts such as: "I can accept what is." "I don't need to control this situation or person." "I can be happy without this person or thing." I don't need to hide." "I have nothing to fear." "I am enough." "I am not afraid." "I am capable." "Only what I think of me matters most." "Others don't determine who I am or am not." "I don't have to get uptight when unwanted things happen." "Things aren't always going to go my way, it's okay." "I am the master of my life." "Life is my teacher." "It's okay to make mistakes." "I can grow from my mistakes." " I can love him or her just the way they are." "I am lovable just the way I am." "I am not a mistake, I was born with a purpose; existence needs me." Being okay with who you are during emotional upsets is a process in reaching emotional maturity. ~Tips on Emotional Freedom~by; Freedom Gale~ ENVY Envy is a debt you place on yourself that can never be repaid. -viviangale- EXCEL
~Florence Shinn~ GRATITUDE
I AM Everyone and everything lives and exists only in relationship to all else. Nothing exists alone. Say, “I am not alone; I am a part of the great universe of life. I am as important to life as life is to me.” -viviangale- I AM as important to God as God is important to me. -viviangale- I AM awake to greet the day, I arise to my goals, to my dreams, I AM awake to enjoy, to be, to do, to become. In this day, I AM alive~ Today, I live. Thank you God And so it is! ~vgale~ INTELLIGENCE
LIGHT LOGIC When I live from logic alone, life becomes uninviting, dreary and unwelcoming. Logic is good but it can become a shield from living. I Am human; I AM instinctive. Logic at times misses the bliss of the unexpected. Today I will leave room for the unexpected; now that’s logic. -viviangale- LOVE
MATURITY Maturity comes to those who faint not in the midst of their trials. -viviangale- MEMORIES
MONEY NATURE NURTURE NOTHINGNESS OBSESSION Remembering everyday who you are and living from that place brings the most joy and rewards in experiencing. Living in this way honors the self and gives others the real joy of knowing you! ~vgale~ OBJECTIVITY OBEDIENCE OVERCOMING
I am that perfect Life here and now. Today, I manifest that completion in me. I am whole, I am saved, I am at peace. Thank you God~And so it is! ~vgale~
STUPIDITY Stupidity, what is that? Not knowing is a gift. It is the absence of erroneous thinking. In stupidity, there is no bondage. Today, I embrace my stupidity. ~viviangale~ 2013 SUCCESS
Following your dreams and following your passions is one of the hardest things you'll ever do. It is also the most rewarding thing you'll ever do. It may take a couple of years to start seeing any type of of profits or results so don't get weary. You'll see others cashing their weekly paychecks and it will feel daunting while you making a measly $100 or so each month after 6 months to a year of hard work and late nights. The key is to really believe in what you are doing, and believing in yourself. Know that anything you apply pressure to changes. Apply positive pressure and it changes positively, negative pressure and it changes negatively. Even if you have a full time job now, you can start by building one hour a day and resting on the weekend. Then build up the hours without stressing yourself. Before you know it, you will see a foundation forming and be inspired to keep going. "Tips to Achieve Personal Freedom," by Freedom Gale, aka Vivian Gale THANKSGIVING ~It's a time of Thanksgiving, a time of Praise To sing Hallelujah for the love He Gave For Friends, for loved ones, for shelter from the rain. It's the time we bless our Saviors Name~ ~viviangale~ (c) 2012 THOUGHTS Stinking Thinking~We all battle stinky thinking. One negative thought allowed to stay in the mind is followed by numerous other stinky thinking and negative thoughts and behaviors. I will not allow negative thoughts to control me and my life. Say, "I take charge of negative thoughts by replacing them with new positive ones." One good thought allows others to follow and you're on the way to emotional happiness and freedom. Good recipe for a happy life! ~viviangale~
July 16, 2012
Don't give so much of yourself to others that there is nothing left of you for
yourself. When your burnt out where will everyone be? Save some of you for you!
July 2, 2012
I wake to greet the day, I arise to my goals, to my dreams, I am awake to enjoy, to be, to do, to become.
In this day, I am alive~Today, I live. Thank you God
June 1, 2012
No matter what, Love yourself first. Don't depend on others to do what you can do for yourself. Furthermore, be the Love you wish to receive and it will eventually find you.
May 27, 2012
Because something strongly influenced my past life, it doesn't have to keep determining my feelings and behavior today.
May 20th, 2012
When you worry, you're praying for what you don't want. All thought is producing what you think. Examine your reasons for worrying and turn them over to God
May 18th, 2012
When we are happy and sad it seems we weep and shout all over ourselves and each other. I hope to always be present for my friends and family at all times, in the times of weeping and in the times of celebration and in the mundane as well.
May 17, 2012
I AM in a constant state of LOVE
May 15, 2012
So then I have failed. I've failed at being perfect. Once I crowned myself
as an imperfect being, I received my perfection.
May 11, 2012
Personal Freedom is what I'm searching for, and I won't stop till I find myself standing at Freedoms door.
May 10, 2012
Happiness is a matter of perspective! See it, believe it, claim it, be it!
April 22, 2012
It only takes one decision to change the rest of your life!
April 11, 2012
Perfection is already accomplished in me.
The Spirit within me is God, that Spirit is perfect.
I am that perfect Life here and now.
Today, I manifest that completion in me.
I am whole, I am saved, I am at peace.
Thank you God~And so it is!
April 10, 2012
Some time the wise become stupid; and other times those who are stupid become wise enough to be teachers of the wise. Sometime the mice become masters and the masters as mice.
Use your imagination and thoughts to focus only on what you want to see happen in your life. If you want health and happiness, focus on health and happiness, talk about health and happiness. If you want peace and financial security, talk about peace and financial security. Focusing on what you want and desire gives birth to those things, just as thinking about what you don't have and don't want brings more of that into your life and reality. Try it out and See~ Say, today I focus only on what I want to see in my life and it comes to pass in perfect ways under grace!
Today is the first day of the rest of your life~what will you do with it. You can start you life all over again any time you choose. Make it a great day!
Save one man and you save a generation~miracle's happen one good deed at a time.
The entire manifestation of Spirit, both visible and invisible is the body of God.
February 17, 2012
Surely you need faith when your looking up at the top of the mountain, but you will also need that same faith at every step on the climb.
There is beauty in our uniqueness and we are all unique! Celebrate You! ~viviangale~ www.viviangale.com
Pray like it's all up to God, and work like it's all up to you! Hard work pays off, so never give up!
Believe and Become~The Word of your mouth shall bare fruit~
Your Word is Law unto the things it is sent! Speak your Words~
Our beliefs and concepts are the only things that limit us in our strive to believe and become.
There must be a recognition that the power of our word, operating as the truth and the reality of being, can do all things- by faith!
February 4, 2012
Love is energy, a vibration, an entity, but not limited. Its capacity is everywhere. There is nowhere where love cannot be, cannot go, cannot penetrate. There is nothing and no one beyond its reach. There is nothing that love cannot do. Give it room in your life, in your relationships, in your situations, and see the miracles it produces. Add it as a secret ingredient in and to everything you do and see the magical difference.
~Excerpt from Fart in The Wind, by Vivian Gale~
February 3, 2012
Pain is always a teacher! Falling down hurts and is scary to think about; but in the getting back up we find out who we are, what were made of and what we need to keep on moving forward. Sometime we might decide to change our direction. Pain is always a teacher!
January 31, 2012
Joy is the best make-up! No need to wear it sparingly, but the natural look works best.
January 29, 2012
So then, we make our plans each day and strive to carry them out to each detail; but then the unexpected comes and interrupts us and we are confused and discombobulated. We must learn to flow within the tides of our lives. Sometimes we get to decide our direction, and other times we are guided by the tides of life.
January 27, 2012
This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the inner being. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others’ problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It is all relative.
January 26, 2012
Have you ever received an award for doing nothing? Toil must always precede reward. If you receive an inheritance your reward is granted on the toil and labor of another. Weary not~toil, and you will reap your rewards! This thought is based on the Law of Cause and effect.
January 25, 2012
We don't always get what we want, especially when others are involved. Learning to accept this as a fact will bring peace in adverse situations. The things that you alone decide to do which only include your decision are the things that you can count on more to bring your desires to pass. When aligning yourself with others, choose wisely.
January 17, 2012
Most of us would be upset if we were accused of being "silly." But the word "silly" comes from the old English word "selig," and its literal definition is "to be blessed, happy, healthy and prosperous." ~zigzigler~
January 14, 2012
Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new step.
January 13, 2012
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. ~alan watts~
January 11, 2012
We are made to be whole-not perfect! There is no perfection except that in the lack of perfection is found the meaning of perfection. "Be ye therefore perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect, there is none that doeth good." Jesus came to fulfill the law because we could not keep it because of our imperfect character. To strive for perfection is to run quietly into the arms of insanity!
January 10, 2012
You are not a victim of the world around you! Create your life your way, one thought at a time. ~vgale~
Everyday is an opportunity to continue on your journey leaving behind regrets and disappointments and reaffirming what you believe is true and necessary to fulfill your calling and life's purpose.
January 4 2012
What other people think of me is none of my business.
One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people.
December 30, 2011
December 29, 2011
Be Encouraged! Each day you get a chance to try again!
December 27 2011
When you focus on what you don't have you loose site of your blessings! Making a list, a "Gratitude List," puts things back into perspective. It's okay to want something new, different or for a situation to change. Accepting the things we cannot change brings peace and serenity!
December 26, 2011
So, here we are; on the great merry go round of life together and yet individually. Wondering where we'll get off and play today. When the day is over we'll rest; then round and round we go, again. That is the only choice at times we get to make, whether or not to enjoy the journey. Today, I will get back on the merry go round of life and experience with joy and a with childlike curiosity, what the universe has for me.
December 23, 2011
Most of the things we do in life outside of caring for our basic needs of are difficult to achieve. This means we have to find that extra something inside of us to keep us going and to never give up. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins!
December 21, 2011
Sometime we have to separate our desires from our needs and be honest about what we need to succeed. It would be great to have $100 to start my business. That is a desire. What I need is a smaller realistic obtainable goal and to trust God to provide where God has provided. Sometime the things we don't get that we think we need and want are the blessings disguised.
December 20, 2011
You owe it to yourself to be happy! So just choose it and it will be!
December 19, 2011
Sometime's it's good to question why you do the things you do or why you don't do certain things anymore and make sure you're living true to who you are, sometime that changes and that's okay. The one thing that we do owe the world is to live true to ourselves; only then can we truly extend ourselves to another.
December 17, 2011
Realize Your Greatness by turning to yourself inwardly and seeking the answers you need before asking another. If that doesn't work, ask God, if that doesn't work, ask Google. There really is no need to depend on others for your truths and or the answers you seek!
Affirmation of Truth for December 15th, 2011
Make time for your dreams when you're awake or else they'll only exist when you're alseep!
Affirmation of Truth for December 14th, 2011
The wages of Love are Peace, Contentment, Joy, Karma, Patience, Goodness and there is no Sum Equal to it.
Affirmation of Truth for December 7th, 2011
Remembering everyday who you are and living from that place brings the most joy and rewards in experiencing.
Living in this way honors the self and gives others the real joy of knowing you!
Affirmation of Truth for December 6th , 2011
Focusing on what others are doing or not doing and judging it as right or wrong is a sacrifice of peace and sanity.
Focusing only on what you do alone, or don't do is just enough for peace.
Today, I choose the peace the comes with focusing on me, the one person I have the power to change, and even that is not always so easy~
Affirmation of Truth for December 5, 2011
Standing up for yourself when you believe you're in the right is an honor to the truth that lives within you. Not to do so is to shrink in the face of your oppressor.
Affirmation of Truth for December 4, 2011
What one is worth, does not come down to what one has gained materially. When Mahatma Gandhi died he was said to have less the two dollars in material wealth, but what he was worth to the world set free because of his work of Peace is priceless.
Affirmation of Truth for December 3rd, 2011
At times it is both wise and best to take a recess from all forms of work.
Affirmation of Truth for December 2, 2011
Being fearlessly and totally honest with oneself and others is the only way to live an authentic life!
Affirmation of Truth for December 1st, 2011
There is really no need to search outside yourself for the answers your soul needs to grow. We all have a measure of personal contact with the Spirit of Truth that leads us into what is right for us!
All Content Copyright (c) 2011, Spirit Productions, Home of 'Fart In The Wind!' P. O. Box 403, Auburn WA 98071-0403