- Perfection is already accomplished in me.
I am that perfect Life here and now.
Today, I recognize that completion within me.
I am whole, I am saved, I am at peace.
Thank you fA~And so it is! ~viviangal
- There is something about our that make us perfect. In my imperfections, I am perfected; I am made whole. ~vgale~
- In the lack of perfection is found the meaning of perfection. "Be ye therefore perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect, there is none that doeth good." -vivian gale-
- Jesus came to fulfill the law because we could not keep it because of our imperfect character. To strive for perfection is to run quietly into the arms of insanity! -vivian gale-
- Like a flower in each season, we are perfect at every stage of our growth. Sometimes we are the weed, other times the thorn and other times we are in full bloom -vivian gale-