-Love~ it exists on a Continuum.
It belongs to no one and everyone at the same time.- ~vgale~ Love does not exist in time. You never have to hope love finds you, for love is always present. It was present before you were born and will be present after you leave. Love is ever-present, it exists on a continuum. It belongs to no one and every one at the same time. A time for two people comes for love. Time comes into love. Let love find you ready and worthy when your time comes. Make sure you have all the ingredients. Fear is the biggest eraser of love. Get rid of your fears and hold on to faith. For even when you have all the right ingredients, it doesn't mean the cake will bake into everlasting slices, but it does increase the chance for success. If a relationship doesn’t work, it just means it was not the right one for you, or that it wasn't the right time, or that you both had a chance and perhaps sabotaged it. Let it go, and leave your heart open and ready for the next opportunity with grace and peace. When the heart is in the right place it acts from love, because of love; it forgives wrongs and creates opportunities to give. Love does not sit around and judge others for not being perfect, that is fear’s job. Instead, it empathizes with imperfection, for it is hampered by its own embodiment of imperfections. God does not care whether we get the house, the car, the man, or the job; He cares how we behave in the process of desiring, seeking, and obtaining those things. Judge yourself so there will be no need to be judged by others. |
Love is a noun and a verb. It is a thing in action. Love is a force: it moves, it motivates, it changes, and it acts upon things, people and situations and causes change to occur when allowed in. Love is energy, a vibration, an entity, but not limited. Its capacity is everywhere. There is nowhere where love cannot be, cannot go, cannot penetrate. There is nothing and no one beyond its reach. There is nothing that love cannot do. Give it room in your life, in your relationships, in your situations, and see the miracles it produces. Add it as a secret ingredient in and to everything you do and see the magical difference.
I have heard it said many times that self-love is not of God. I used to believe it. If you do, please, forget such false humility that renders you pious for possessing its virtue. It is when I learned to value me, to love me, that I was able to genuinely give love. It is difficult to love others when you are not receiving love and loving yourself. Though we should not depend on others to love us, we should love ourselves.
I have heard it said many times that self-love is not of God. I used to believe it. If you do, please, forget such false humility that renders you pious for possessing its virtue. It is when I learned to value me, to love me, that I was able to genuinely give love. It is difficult to love others when you are not receiving love and loving yourself. Though we should not depend on others to love us, we should love ourselves.
To love all things and to embrace all beliefs, cultures, and people, to reach out and touch someone’s life without looking for something in return, is love. To continue being kind to someone who has hurt you, talked bad about you, and sets traps for your defeat, is love. However, self-love also includes self-preservation, so remove yourself from potential repeated harm. As an example of turning the other cheek, which is a biblical concept, my mother once told me that an adversarial woman in her past put out a cigarette on her hand and she did nothing but said "God bless you."
To continue to love someone that has become ill, disfigured, old, wrinkled, gray, and lost their memory of who you are, is love. To be there when the sun is shining and when it is dark and dreary, when money is scarce and when money is plentiful, is love.
To live together in a mansion or endure homelessness with each other, or sleep in the back of a car as long as you are together and endure the storm is love. Love does not run away when hard times come; true love faces it together. It takes the brunt of all suffering, knowing it is for its own growth and pruning. We cannot truly come to know love when we seek only love’s pleasures.
To continue to love someone that has become ill, disfigured, old, wrinkled, gray, and lost their memory of who you are, is love. To be there when the sun is shining and when it is dark and dreary, when money is scarce and when money is plentiful, is love.
To live together in a mansion or endure homelessness with each other, or sleep in the back of a car as long as you are together and endure the storm is love. Love does not run away when hard times come; true love faces it together. It takes the brunt of all suffering, knowing it is for its own growth and pruning. We cannot truly come to know love when we seek only love’s pleasures.
Love Lessons, Part 7
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This blog is an passage from my book, "Fart in the Wind," Get Rid of Emotional Flatulence. Get Your Copy Now! Thanks~It's no accident you landed here, so keep your heart and mind open to learning all you can about love in this great work.
Peace and Blessings on you Journey Within~Freedom Gale, aka Vivian!
Peace and Blessings on you Journey Within~Freedom Gale, aka Vivian!